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The Space Effect Page 4

  Chapter two

  “Not a big exaggeration,” Evon threw out his words. To the detective, who was nameless at the moment, but however only to those he knows and don’t reckon. The detective walked closer to the prince. They are the same height. The prince tells him to play a game, and they begin their usual ritual. Next to the table they stand, one discerning look after another, then placing their marks on the anagram, the maze. An automatic mouse set on direction scurries forward into the labyrinth, we play small, but gradually scores get bigger each time.

  “Do you not know anxiety?” Prince asked.

  “No I don’t, or else it’s either too boring or exhilarating for me.” He took a long drag from the table. “You still got that silver claws?” He looked taken back, but calm resided in through the gaps, gaps of the castle. The silver claws were a gift from the mage in order for the prince to lend them some of his powers to waste. Usage of it rather distinguished the soft yellow glow from its center onto deep strength. A fly buzzed around the room, its dark purple poisonous fitted with batting wings and piercing eyes, each bug with eyesight of which no one knows or can tell. It is mysteriously controlling the air above it and the wings batter in opposite directions. Seeing nothing of the sort around it, the bug of 49 minutes, just born from near outside, a chilly yet hot day too, some people might suspect it strange to manic types will qualify the bug as it zooms around the room and candles to find a seat. It lands on top of the wick of the candle, touches the fire, and is burned to a crumb. Its wings broken and legs forever unseen again. Also the candle is hurt at the ugliness of the bug’s appearance. Its fire wavers a bit then rise up again. If the bug was a mere moth, it still would have looked more graceful, but even a moth would not get caught into the scorching fire of a candle. Even so, the bug lay restfully as it was wicked away. Some people dream of miracles but outside the commotion starts with five lads practicing for the sword fight. Inside the two familiars are still conversing, leaning forward to talk with low tones. The detective mentions his plans for the winter. He recalls of a bright sunny day when his group mates and him go out hunting for deer. It was deer season, and the resources were scarce, treeless and grassless areas sometimes but always one in two hours a deer would be sighted. Hunters squint their eyes at the fawns and deer whose antlers strike out and their movements like metal ballerinas. Some may move in a herd. He shakes his head off to the side; he thinks of schemes so snitch in nature that it only leaves off tears and hopes. Then the hopes are cut off when the final blow is overdone. The prince tells him that an upwards line, to the right, that straight forward in an angle is the secret path. A spark hits between them, mainly from the detective’s head. He thinks, this is it, the blight I’m looking for. Whatever it may be, he and the prince will always know, forever the way back. A ceiling light flickers above them. It then shines full on, to tell you the truth; it is always famine, set in this way, organized by a witch. Where is it that the prince, with a crude jaw and firmly set eyes, dark green hair, reached for his goblet and cheered it on with the detective, who was a little susceptive at the moment, then they shook their hands. Crimson colored flowers broke out from the window sill, flowers who integrate everything sensed on their stems and petals; it was a friendship to last, bonding in unrelenting patterns and so different paths went on, and different words disengaged each friend or foe.

  The detective’s name was Nollen Smip. He wasn’t renowned but quite startled by other people he worked with. When the prince called him to his hands today, he thought back of time into his strangling habits, where topless torso and swaying curly hair on deep stature dived into the clean lake of surface memories and he succeeded in swimming the entire 50 miles to the other side in one afternoon. Then he would reach the labyrinth, a real big one, and cross time in inscribing ten thousand characters on its marble.

  Then came the sun down, I, age of 20, crossed the roads bridge careful to avoid the cars, to reach the creek and sit on my favorite rock rested upon it. I uncrossed my legs for the examination of the little fish, don’t know what they were, running down the waters. The water was clear and free flowing. I wish my life was like that. One black red spotted fish rushed to the caved in and leaped over the large pebble when the fish met air for 3 seconds and dived divinely right into the stream again. I begin to think of the life beyond my own. Maybe the people integrations weren’t so hard to understand. Then I see ahead some older teens skipping and talking from the other side of the creek. In their hands were school books and some had backpacks on, a walk home from school. The ashen faced boy stopped in his tracks and stared straight at me. He was 24, the oldest of the pack. I stood up from my kneeling position and he turned to leave. Then the sirens started. First muffled and soft, then deep and booming it went. Cars quickly rushed forwards or aside in the roads bridge. He was tall and he was strong. I was paralyzed. But in the distance I heard a bomb. “You better keep going.” He leaned forward and that’s when his pack left. But I couldn’t move, not because I cared, or that my lunch was pinning my down, but my foot steps were too soft, the air felt too airy, and my head was getting destabilized. So I stood there watching. I wanted to watch so badly. The police cars finally came and…I was put into a strong hold by the boy’s arm and he half carried half dragged me out of the tree I was leaning against. “Hey!” He yelled in my face with a raspy voice. I don’t think I’ve seen him before. “It’s dangerous.” Who is he, the safety police? “Are you leaving of not?” He hangs back but looks like he’s taking a fly again. He wore a simple t-shirt and loose jeans. He had ruffled hair that was the closest thing to black but still had some red. And his face detained any trace of ethnicity but showed a handsome skin color. So since we’ve already crossed the creek, and in the distance I can’t see, I might as well head back home, which was the other way. So I’m stuck. I looked at the boy again, he was about to run towards the safer spots of a rural town. I just stood there, and it was funny too. Because he wouldn’t let down his guard and then he finally decided to carry me like lugging me towards his direction. The moment was so cute I started to laugh. He looked at me closely. He’s never seen me before either. “You’re light. How much do you weigh? 50 pounds?” Haha. I keep my mouth quiet. He still hasn’t heard my good sounding voice yet. Wave. Wave. Wave. Of the air. I still don’t want to walk yet, oh wait, now I do. I put a hand on his chest and jump off his arms which were very muscular. Then I waved goodbye and went towards the left as he headed to the right of the town. We didn’t say anything back to each other and it was like I’ve never saw him again. I was just a peculiar pretty face and he was the soldier. So now the clock hit 7:05pm and I was so far away from home. I decided to stop by an old inn just for the heck of it and it was mostly to see the glowing oil lights from inside. It was so late already. A gust of wind strings from the west and I brace against it for the good of my skin which tingles under my dress. I continue to smell the chicken and wine from next door of where I was standing. The ashen faced soldier was inside. When he spotted me all of a sudden, he beckoned me with his hand to tell me to come inside. I gesticulated with my head and hips that I liked the cool then warm wind outside. So then his chest sighed and his lips curled into a smirk. He thumbed his glass a few times and talked to the older much burlier men next to him. He was at a bar I think, but it also is a nice inn. I thought how nice it was to sleep there, for I heard that bar/inn has really nice activities and nice view. I could still hear the bombing in the distance. Then I ran into that inn and patted that boy on the head, because I have seen him before. He was at the auction for pigs and yelling 66$ the whole time. I was just passing their on my own record too. It was early morning. I got the money out of my purse but the women attendant said someone paid for me already. So I crawled upstairs to sleep, for instance, but I also then went back down to get my dinner. The porridge and ham tasted delicious, for once. I ate my fill and wiped my mouth. It was kind of a suspicious atmosphere because I felt the eyes of someone watching me. Then the sam
e tall boy approached me. “What’cha got there?” He looked down at me to where I was sitting crossed legged. I paused. I only showed myself to no one. Well, I don’t even need to. Then I saw the tail of him went upstairs. I quickly got us because it was a small inn and then I saw that in addition to him paying for me he also is sleeping in the same room and bed with me. The bed was king sized. So I swished my hair forth back and turned my head the other direction. He was probably thinking I was playing hard to get. So of course not to that thought and then I went in carefully to the room which was sort of open and yet the walled cabin glowed. I smell a light scent of his smell. It was like sparkling roasted something. So I luckily had no change of clothes and then I got into the shower while he was reading Tom Sawyer and because of the person I am, I like to wear differentiated clothes each day. After I got out of the shower in his shirt and it was so long that I could just wear underwear. I picked up my purse again and went outside in a breeze, thankfully stores close at 10:30pm. I bought a nice denim dress small and returned back into the inn. The soldier boy wasn’t asleep but he was outside the inn throwing rocks while the other burly men watch him and they conversed. What is he really doing, really? So since I have already gotten the change for the other day, I brushed my teeth and wet my face to wash, then laid my honey scented puffy pillow undeniably next to his and straightened my pose to stare at the ceiling and window, out there where the mountains and tall caps remain uninhabited by us. Then I fell asleep, in retrospect, because as you can see, the boy came back in and he nudged my body a little to the center, then he went under his covers which he spread a little bit more than enough to me while in his lanky shirtless mode, and he whispered to me, “are you recording this down in a separate journal in a separate world dimension?” Darn, how does he know how I think? I think he wants desperately to hear my voice. So I said, “I’m actually on Earth right now about to sleep in my single house.” “Okay. He turned towards me even more and hugged my body. Maybe I was cold or something but it felt good. And his masculinity was good too. So I closed my eyes and fell into sleep.

  The hills of mounds in dry yellow grass stood tall in blocking the entrance to the big forest, tall and looming, at hand. The forest segregated the fields and the other side of the gateway into two. You’d have to pass 1 to 30 miles of forest land with all the night creatures around to stalk you and tangles of vine ahead of poisonous plants and stumps. However, to get to the other side of the forest, you must figure out a detailed path that trades to a small open route for running or not even horses can pass, but the path isn’t curvy yet its trickery tries out at the contestant into grey patterns, and no loops either. Sometime people don’t get lost, but they do get rescued. You’d hear airplanes overhead searching for a smoke signal of the failures. So then of course there was another way to get to the other side into the city; you can fly, boat around, or dug a hole underneath and prey to yourself that you will not hit a huge rock or boulder of some underground sort. Or maybe a huge alien snake. So today, I swung a huge rope over to the other side with my massive strength and followed the way through in a straight forward line, like I usually do. And when I crawled out of it with the dirt on my hands and shoes but nowhere else, I was happy to meet the sunlight coming out of the blue sky, kind of hazy with foggy clouds. I went to a nearby sink to wash my hands and I dried it with the dryer. With the types of activity going around on either side, I noticed a commotion from the speakers notifying people to buy such and such, then a deep voice of professionalism spoke, carving attention out of everyone, “the misery businesses are done; I am the representative of the country for one in one and one for all, and I, speaking in terms of our world, need everyone to give full heeding to the presidential parade coming around later at 3:00pm. We’ll be giving you all a short notice of what’s going to happen next in the next couple years or maybe 50. Then we’ll find a way to reach our goals.” The store sellers and consumers had paused in their daily thinking and then soon returned afterwards to their daily life again. Women carried their child in front of me and walked away looking down and awry but somewhat pushed optimism at my appearance. So I carried my wallet and pushed on. I walked and noticed the people were never scarce at one store and the only ones close to empty were the bathrooms. I bought something and threw my old clothes in the trash. I wore the ruffled gold dress with my heels and thought it was a very good way of seeing the president. So it was 2:00pm and I saw that boy again. His name was Rolon and I saw him snake his way through the crowd with his strangely dark caramel eyes if that was a flavor and he stroked out his arm which giving the side direction a quick blink. He grabbed my hand as he leaned in to breathe down my neck. He whispered, “You know what they’re thinking. I don’t want to lose you. We could go together.” He was hinting to the government process. I didn’t know yet but I will if it’s important enough. He pointed to the slanted right. There the detective was sighted. The detective bowed his head at us and he changed his expressions really early as he took off his cap and his handsome, clearly lined facial features were seen. “Ah, what a great night to see you!” We sat down on the bench with Rolon draping his arm over me softly to cover and the detective on my other left. “So,’ the detective said. He looked at us squarely but primarily at me and batted his eyelashes. He seems to think no matter how weird he looks he still looks masculine. So we discussed about nature and books and colors and we waited for the presidential parade. The sun shone on us but we soon found a shade. I ate ice cream with them while they bought pretzels for themselves. And the sun shone on; it increased intensity and so we went into the book place to see some good books we’ve talked about earlier. And it was friend zone. A hot female who also thinks she’s hot walked towards us in pink high heel stilettos and white skin showing tank top and jeans. She peered at us. Her eyes were on me; I’m pretty masculine, then drifted to him, then the detective. She smiled meekly at the book shelves above our heads, saying, “hey did you know there are girls out there who are totally datable right?” She half hinted to herself while making an exaggerated stance of pointing to the ladies out the window. I sort of glared at them mainly from the sun and they appeared flashy and talkative. The female in front of us struck out her butt and hips and left with her high heels clinking. Far and far away. We stood still, making no move. All plans were to discuss what the president and his men were going to move on now. It was five minutes till 3. Somewhere in the distance, as if right on time, the horns were heard and the music, professional music, blared through the foghorns and player. We ran out of the book store and to see the president sitting cross legged on his chair and waving. He didn’t smile like usually they do but instead he had the impression of a French man about to pick his fill. So life went on. The parade got closer; people of all kinds who were in the city cheered/yelled on to the parade. Dancers were in front wheeler of the parade. The noises got louder and the black limo in front of the wheeler had the guy we knew from M&M store; he waved to us to get on. We ran secretly into the limo on call and hopped into those luxury seats. The smell of a good car was there too. The guy grinned at us. “You ready? The president wants to take you all on an adventure. He called his firsts of handymen!” He turned the handle of the car and we roamed into ahead the right turn of some shadows and thus disappeared from the crowd, whom of which weren’t interested into those paths anyway. The dancers were pretty for looking; they left too. The president went into the limo in the seats near us and he took off his sunglasses, slowly. He was quite smart, with his face that many women fell in love with. “You know why we have to do this, to make business with the officers in top realms of this universe and then we’ll reach the fame we intended of further heights. I think we’ll make our world better from there.” He anticipated me with the good will of a master. Then he gave us canteens and we drank from it like never before, not from thirst. The air conditioner was on so we were cooled down. The black limo was separated from the parading stuff and the driver drove deep into shades of creeping shadows
; he ran into air and we were propelled directly into somewhere else, somewhere to do certain formal business.